ONTAP Administration

Teams Session

RECAP questions day1 and day2
ONTAP Questions (day 1)
ONTAP Questions (day 2)
ONTAP DP Questions (day 1)

1 Maurice Beens 166740266
2 Pepijn 182465336
3 Andy 171705241
4 Erik 151145155
5 Arno 130475060
6 Mark 165001030
7 Sebastiaan 144331044
8 Maurice Katuk 123661858
9 Robert 103011763
10 Remco 138626722
11 Pieter 186306641
12 Roger 117066636

Download Remote Lab client
create account (video)
change connection (video)

Password: 15Z1NT2C

Random things

Config Advisor output
output example
quickstart guide

SnapMirror CLI

simulator tips
add bigger disks to simulator
prevent your simulator from becoming unusable

Create an S3Bucket and access it from client

space calculator
ONTAP usable space calculator

synchronous and asynchronous convert

cloudsync demo

Business Continuity

Snapmirror Sync